
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

DAY 1803 - Maine

Photography by Angela McCormick

       Angela McCormick is a New York photographer and stylist.  Her photography centers on travel.  The sense of adventure in each lively photo makes you want to visit the places.

       “Barcelona IV” reveals a rocky mountain side through a soft haze. Much of the space is gracefully obscured by mysterious fog.  The subtle meeting of elements in Angela’s photo bring to mind the Song Dynasty painting, “Travelers by Streams and Mountains” by Fan Kuan. “Prayers” is another photo where the lighting and atmosphere convey the drama.  A haunting light reflects over the churches old bricks giving the faintest hint of space.

       Angela’s “Zagreb” captures a moment of transition for the Zagreb Cathedral.  The tower was destroyed in an earthquake and is undergoing restoration.  With an artists rendition of the future church tower plastered over the construction, the imagery the presents both past and present, or Orthodox and Contemporary faith. The photo’s stormy backdrop frames the interesting dialogue. 

          Her photography work is worth investing in and it’s not her only creative endeavor. She is also a master stylist and with model shoots for her top-tier cuts.  Find out more here  and here.

Review by John Aaron Coulter

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

DAY 1796 - REVIEW - Burbujas

Artwork by Andrés Gamiochipi

      Mexican collage artist Andrés Gamiochipi’s output is fanatic.  His cleverly cut pieces are sure to delight.  His best works depict surreal landscapes and clever political scenes.  By combining found images not intended to be seen together, Andrés creates new relationships.  Collaging isn’t only about building a picture but about creating a story, and Andrés’ collages bring a smile.  Optical illusions such as “Niña Paisajista” and “El Camino” show his playful nature.

       “Galactic Levels” displaces the viewers orientation similar to Escher’s “Other World”.  Andrés frequently creates landscapes and architecture that break traditional rules of perspective.  His “Mirador Pt III” and “Promenade” transport viewers into another realm of fantasy.   “Templos Cosmicos” also portrays an erie world with elements familiar to our own, composed in new ways.  

      Andrés political humor visualizes religious, government, or environmental themes.  Some of the best collages envision a polluted industrial world.  “If you had to leave the city forever, what would you miss the most?” depicts a near future moment, with a family evacuating a smog filled city.   I’d like to see more works with a political voice.  It’s wonderful when a great message has strong aesthetic to back it.  

    Andrés doesn’t shy away from cutting up everything from complex architecture to pornography.  Investigate his flickr and personal site regularly for new work.

Review by John Aaron Coulter

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Wednesday, September 2, 2015