
Friday, November 30, 2018

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Monday, November 19, 2018

Friday, November 16, 2018

Monday, November 12, 2018


   The Hole is one of my favorite New York galleries.  The space is hyper clean like a Kubrick set, and their artist roster is top notch.  Their shows are never dull.  The Hole hosted two solo shows for my visit this time.  Jonathan Chapline’s “Material Memory” and Misaki Kawai’s “Pinecone Times” are both equally strong and though separate, complimentary.

   Chapline’s fragmented worlds of call to mind retro Atari tank battles with their bold polygons.  Among the gridded room the geometric works have an air of Vaporwave aesthetic.  They are a stark contemporary cubist exploration. 

   In an adjacent room cat lovers and folk artists alike will rejoice in Kawai’s creations.  The cheerfully colorful works are sure to delight.  The sculptures are some of my favorites in the show and some of the best I’ve seen all year.  The simple forms reminded me of Howard Finster's concrete animals in Atlanta.  The animal portraits have tons of character.

   Make sure to visit Jonathan Chapline’s and Misaki Kawai’s websites and support their work.  Visit the Hole in NYC, you won’t be disappointed and as always follow Sharks Eat Meat for all your art and culture news. 

Friday, November 9, 2018

REVIEW - Kazuko Miyamoto

   Zürcher Gallery, a first floor loft style space in Nolita, hosts Kazuko Miyamoto’s show of contemporary kimonos and umbrellas.  Miyamoto’s work is a refreshing update of Japanese high culture.  The works are presented in a pleasantly serene way.  As light shines though an antique window and a translucent kimono onto the aged wood floors  one gets a spiritual sense of the space.  It is meditatively calm.

   The artist explores ideas of body memory, which is the concept that the body of the performer acts as a record.  The clothing articles which clearly refer to the body, have a a historicalness and timelessness to them.  While the garbs are steeped in tradition, their style seems from the near future.  They are detailed and delicate.

  Zürcher Gallery hosted an artist performance and we’ve included some footage in our review.  Make sure to visit Zürcher Gallery and check out their upcoming shows.  Don’t forget to follow Sharks Eat Meat for daily art and news. 

Review by John Coulter

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

CULTURE JAM - Teaser 02

Culture Jam Teaser 02 - Only on IGTV

REVIEW - Scott Daniel Ellison

  A few days after Halloween I found a stark show near Chinatown.  Lyle O. Reitzel Gallery hosted Scott Daniel Ellison’s solo show “Woodland Fables” in New York’s Lower East Side. 

  Subjects from folk myths, fables, and late night campfire tales gather on Ellison’s oil covered canvasses.  These works have all the folksy charm of a Phil Musen or Cristian Elizalde where surreal characters shine.  The quirky images are well powerful and balanced in their composition and design. 

   Do yourself a favor and visit Scott Daniel Ellison’s website and check out their work.  As always follow Sharks Eat Meat for all your art and culture news. 

Review by John Coulter