
Saturday, November 21, 2015

DAY 1855 - Samurai Ceci 17

Drawing by Cecilia Beaven

Cecilia Beaven is a young artist from Mexico City.  Her talents include painting, animations, murals and comics.  Her unruly line work is consistent and easily recognizable as her own.  Her drawings are the type of stream of conscious doodles that happen when day dreaming during a class or meeting, but on crack. 

She has a budding animation portfolio.  Her cartoons using emojis, charismatic frame by frame drawings, and bizarre music videos are entrancing.  The animations are unfiltered access to Ceci’s brilliant mind. Several of her short animations are self portraits.  A traditionally revealing painting genre, the animated self portrait is more rare. 

The black and white ink shines in samurai Ceci’s “Crocodilo”  The two critters are given more personality than most would give a reptile and each is adorned with patterns.  It’s these cheeky works that Ceci is known for. 

If you aren’t already in love with Ceci’s work visit her website and learn more. 

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