
Wednesday, December 9, 2015

DAY 1873 - Outlanders 2

Drawing by Gordon Rabut

Gordon Rabut is like R. Crumb but hairier.  A compulsive and fiendish mark making blankets the dark figures and landscapes in Gordon’s unreal worlds.  Demons pose for portraits, and burly men battle in the meticulous drawings and paintings.  Marks and textures crawl across surfaces in Gordon’s fleshy occult scenes.

His “Demon’s Gift Portrait” series indulges in the morbid. They feature obscured figures, some in flames, melting and coming apart. They are hauntingly memorable.  Once you see them, you cannot unsee them.  He’s created a yearbook’s worth of strange inter-dimensional travelers.  Simultaneously familiar and alien, they evoke an era of art from Heavy Metal magazine.

Gordon has quickly become one of my favorite artists.  Collect this artists work now and visit his website here

Review by John Aaron Coulter

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