
Wednesday, December 23, 2015

DAY 1887 - System

Painting by Albert Oszek

Albert Oszek’s instinctual paintings reveal the childlike nature of consumerism.  His tormenting scenes recall Kirchner’s ghastly spirit.  The sinuous frosting like texture of his paint summons you to look. 

The “Infantilisators”, is a series that depicts children in a debauch.  The depraved characters have been crafted as both paintings and sculptures.  The demon toddlers, drink, smoke, shop and play in the trash.  “Infantilisators” uncovers the horrors of worshiping consumer culture.  Disease and gluttony are on display. 

With a charming crudeness Albert shows how primal greed is.  The anti-capitalistic paintings are visceral and merit inspection.  See more of his work here

Review by John Aaron Coulter

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