
Friday, May 5, 2017

DAY 2385 - REVIEW - Three Graces of Capitalism, TINA, Miss Giving and Naked Greed

Print by Art Hazelwood
Review by John Coulter

Art Hazelwood is an artist who has been politically active for years.  His works give a striking voice and form to union workers, prisoners, the homeless, immigrants and others.  His repertoire includes prints, books, paintings, murals and posters.

Hazelwood possesses a style reminiscent of other social story tellers.  An undulating rhythm moves the narratives along much the same as a Thomas Hart Benton.  His paintings and prints examine the social condition honestly, with a pinch of farce and criticism.

Some of his tragic prints such as Slaughter of the Innocents or Celebrants Interrupted have a grotesqueness that would scare Goya. Yet the mood is an accurate reflection of his nightmarish subjects.  They do more than tell the plight and struggle of the American people, many of his posters stress a call to action for a specific community meeting or other political action.  Many artist’s prints and street art resemble xeroxed high school band posters or worse. Hazelwood’s work hold’s the weight of a Bellows or Grosz.  They are meaty and detailed.  Their gorgeous eye catching imagery, stands out on the streets.

Hazelwood collaborated with Michelle Maren Williams on the mural House Keys Not Handcuffs which embodies his monumental painting style.  The masterpiece depicts a grand scene of a whole community interacting, on par with a Diego Rivera.  

Visit the artist’s website to learn more.

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