
Wednesday, July 25, 2018

REVIEW - Brett Hollis

   For a long time, I found Brett Hollis’s work beyond definition.  Brett makes paintings, zines and digital creations; bizarre genre defying works, that intentionally explore the realm of kitsch. I first fell in love with a work titled ‘Vacation Treadmill.’  It certainly had an air of absurdism.  The protagonist is an out of focus blob.  The work seemed to embrace repeatedly digital mistakes.   The choppy digital collaging with some lines clean and some blurred form truly unique patterns.  ‘Shape Landscape #1’ utilizes similar elements.  8-bit pixelation blends with smoother airbrushed lines in some unusual ways in many of Brett’s work.  

   Figure work’s such as ‘The Country Boy,’ ‘The German Painter,’ and ‘The Gatherer’ show a commitment to a series and an evolution of his vocabulary of digital expressions. The layering and blurs are more controlled. The neon digital forms are more sophisticated and detailed than before.  The works still straddle the unexplainable but with more awe.

   The text in the zines has a nihilistic humor that many would appreciate.  Hopefully more artists take the risks that Brett Hollis takes.  Buy the zines, and follow more creatives like this @sharks_eat_meat . 

Review by John Coulter

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