
Wednesday, July 18, 2018

REVIEW - Mythofuturiddim

   There was a cool pop up group show in Bushwick, Brooklyn this week titled Mythofuturiddim. A.C Evans curated a strong group show with artists Bree Person, Harlan Ballogg, Pixel the Artist and Wi-moto Nyoka.  The show included strong fluorescent contemporary works commanding a bold street art style with a fresh vaporwave aesthetic.  

  Vivid portraits in bold colors show off the painterly talents of Harlan Ballogg.  One of the more thoughtful and less flashy pieces in the show was by Bree Person.  Person’s conceptual piece related to urban spaces and used large beautiful natural imagery.  Some of my favorite works were by Pixel the Artist.  The bright colors and surreal cartoon worlds grabbed my attention.  The quirky details and clever color schemes kept me engaged. 

   Support and follow these artists, visit their sites and buy their work.  As always follow SharksEatMeat and check us daily for all your art and culture news.  

Review by John Coulter

Mythofuturiddim @mythofuturiddim
Bree person. @bree_person
Harlan ballogg @harlanhue
Pixel the artist. @pixeltheartist
Wi-moto nyoka. @duskyprojects 

Painting by Harlan Ballogg

Painting by Pixel the Artist

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